
Our consumers range consists of both private and public companies. The most notable ones are:

• Large industrial clients

AS Latvijas Finieris, AS Olainfarm, AS Valmieras stikla šķiedra, SIA Užavas alus, SIA 4 Energia and others

• Municipalities

Liepāja Municipality, Talsi Municipality, Ogre Municipality, SIA Liepājas tramvajs, VAS Valsts nekustamie īpašumi, Municipal Body of Ventspils Komunālā pārvalde and others

• Communal and municipal companies

SIA Liepājas ūdens, SIA Ādažu ūdens, AS Latvijas Gāze, SIA Liepājas enerģija, SIA Saulkrastu komunālserviss and others

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